We, as a group, were contemplating what Boston is known for. I think that's easier for someone that hasn't grown up here to pinpoint, and there were a few suggestions: Fenway/Red Sox, clam chowder, lobsters. In the end, I made the executive decision to skip the seafood (bleah, gross!) and go with Fenway (woohoo!). The rationale was that you mention Fenway and everyone knows you're talking about Boston, but clam chowder and lobster are more regional things (Maine, Cape Cod).
This picture was taken by our friend Emma, who lives in Tucson, AZ, and was in Boston last summer for an internship. I got tickets in my company's box for the game on July 3rd and took her, much to the chagrin of my boyfriend! This is the view of the press boxes and the Fenway sign behind home plate from our seats. You can see a panoramic view from these same seats (taken at a different game - that I went to with my boyfriend so he wouldn't leave me!) here - click it to enlarge, and all of our other Red Sox/Fenway photos here.
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Friday, February 1, 2008
Monthly Theme Day: What Your City Is Known For
Posted by
Sarah G
10:50 AM
Labels: CDP Theme Days, Fenway
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I thought for sure it would have been a big pot of beans!!! LOL!! As a misplaced Bostonian, long in San Francisco...I love your blog. Like a visit to the HUB!
Cool! I worked at Fenway for the Police concert over the summer:)
Excellent selection! Happy Theme Day from Maui!
This would have been the choice of both my sons, too! :)
I am glad you went for Fenwick....I agree that lobster etc is more associated with many towns....very good choice!!!!
Great pic. Is that where the Yankees have a minor league team?
Nice choice! I was thinking of the harbor filled with floating tea bags. :)
Would love to go there someday!
So do you go to Fenway often. I like the angle.
Do swing by Norwich Daily Photo!
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Jim - hahahahahaaha....NO. :P
Joy - I go as often as I can, which is as often as I can get my hands on free tickets or any tickets at all! I've been VERY lucky over the past two summers, and gotten tickets through work (they have two box suites and about 80 other seats that they hold season tickets for) and finagled tickets to about 5 games for free. Hopefully that luck hangs around for the next season!!!
I didn't get around much on Theme Day, but I want to remedy that now with a visit. A very great choice! Certainly an icon!
Very iconic, what to do about the breaking of the curse?
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