Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pahk Ya Cah in The Garage!

The garage has nothing to do with cars anymore. It's a building with a small food court, half a dozen stores, and a tattoo parlor, which USED to be a parking garage. The ramp is still intact, and is central to the building, with the shops on different levels off the sides of it. In high school, The garage was the very cool destination in Harvard Square. There is a Newbury Comics store on the top floor, which is likely a big part of the appeal to a high schooler.


Winterswan said...

I remember this sign, although when I first looked at it I couldn't remember where from... My friends and I used to make treks into Harvard Square pretty regularly when we were in High School (sooo long ago-sigh). =)

BeanTownBoy said...

I'd rather pahk my cah in havahd yahd. Nice photo and great info!

The Lone Beader® said...

Ha! I had to laugh at the title. Last I checked, there's even a little bead shop inside this place:)

Anonymous said...

In the summer of 1977 when I was first in Boston we would take the red line from South Station to go to a sandwich place in "The Garage" for lunch.