Something Red....and an introduction! That's me and my boyfriend, Pete. We were car sitting these past few days, so got to go on a few adventures that we can't do without wheels. We headed over to Larz Anderson Park in Brookline to take this unique skyline photo. I like to torture Pete by taking lots of photos of him, so here's our self portrait with the skyline behind us...and since Pete was wearing red... I love this view of the Boston skyline because it's just a peak of the tallest building in town, and it reminds you of how much green space there really is so close to the city.
Please check out some of the other 100 City Daily Photo Blogs that are participating in the July theme day by using the links below.
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
July 1st Theme: Red!
Posted by
Sarah G
10:49 AM
Labels: Bostonians, CDP Theme Days, our lives
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so another red shirt to add to the list of subjects
Hello Ms Cowbark and red boyfriend! Shame I'm going back home tonight, I could have met you all while I was here.
Next time...
And congratulations to Pete, he's fortunate to have such a witty, smiling, talented photographer girlfriend!
Nice photo...and nice to meet you!
I like your photo of Pete. Very nice.
Abraham Lincoln
—Me as Moses—
Hope you have a good time together.
yes, the background is so pretty! you and your boyfriend look great as well :) thanks for sharing this picture to us. it's nice to know what a DP member looks like :)
Nice shot!
You guys make a handsome couple. Enjoy car sitting.
Aww, enchantée de faire votre connaissance, Mr.Red and Ms.Blue!!
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